Please welcome author Donna Grant as my blog guest today (although I'm posting this late Tuesday January 28th my time, this is for Wednesday January 29th as I have to be up very early for the day job).
I hope you will enjoy her excerpt and interview.
Please leave your comments for a chance to win the free book "Blessed Be" for the month of January 2008 from me.
1) Tell us about your dancing and how you almost opened a studio. Do you still dance for any reason?
My mother started me dancing when I was five, and I knew very early on that it was something I truly enjoyed doing and wanted to do as a career. When I decided against studying dance in New York, my teacher offered to sell me her dance studio since she was ready to retire. My parents thought it was a great idea. For a few months I thought that's what I would do. but after all those years of dance, I wanted to see what life was like without it in my life. So, I opted not to buy the studio and continued on with college and working at a law firm. It wasn't long before I realized my mistake. :)
Up until about a year ago I still taught dance. My daughter takes dance now, so I'm always at the studio helping out in classes. Dance will always be a part of my life. I'll always hear the call of the music.
2) How did you fall in love with Scotland which you write about a lot? Do you or your husband have Scottish ancestry? Have you visited Scotland? If so, what were your impressions?
I'm not sure when I fell in love with Scotland. There is something about the wild, untamed land that calls to my heart. Maybe in a past life I was Scottish. :) I just know the beauty and courage and mystique of Scotland intrigues me.
My husband is of Scottish descent. I often joke with him that I only married him for his last name. lol.
I haven't gotten to Scotland yet. My hubby is afraid that once he takes me there I'll never want to come home. And he's right. :D
3) Your Chihuahua is adorable. Please tell us about your pets. Any funny pet stories?
Ah, thank you. Tink is a really great dog. She was one of my Christmas presents a couple of years ago. Since we have three cats, I think Tink thinks she's more cat than dog. lol. The same year I got Tink, my daughter asked Santa for just one thing - a kitten. How in the world could we say no? So, she got her kitten that she aptly named Sassy. Sassy is a gray tabby, and at two years is showing no signs of outgrowing her kitten attitude.
We also have Sheba that we rescued from the pound the day she was supposed to be put down. She's a Tonkinese. Which means she looks like a Siamese, but has a friendlier personality and is a little fuller. She's one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen. And a more sweet cat you'll never find.
And then there's Lexi. Lexi is my Tuxedo cat (black and white). She was given to me on Mother's Day nearly eight years ago. She's the queen of the animals, and she rules her domain with an iron paw. :)
My animals are a constant source of entertainment, and they're never far from me. They each have a little bed in my office where they sleep, though you'll also find them either atop my desk in my way or on the window seat curled around each other fast asleep.
4) What is it like to live in Texas? Have you always lived there?
Yes, I'm a born and bred Texan. Texas is a unique state. Texans are very proud people, and most of that stems from the fact we were a republic before we became part of the US. Which is why our flag is able to fly at the same height as the US flag.
5) Please tell us where you'll be appearing on and offline in the near future. I see you will you be attending the Romantic Times romance writers' and readers' conference this year. Will you be attending any of the other romance writers' conferences this year?
I have a long list of blogs and chats that I'll be doing throughout 2008. You can find an updated list on I have a chat February 4th at Joyfully Reviewed. On February 29th I'll be guest blogging at And On March 3rd I'll be chatting at Night Owl Romance.
As for conferences, I'll be in San Francisco in July for the Romance Writer's of America conference. I'm still scheduling other events, so check my website often.
6) In your biography you mentioned that your husband is very supportive of your work, that he helped you to become a romance writer. Does he read all your work? Does he always like it? (My husband never reads mine. I've given up getting him to try. I think it's very nice.)
I'm very lucky. My husband is extremely supportive, and yes he reads all my work. He's helped me come up with titles, character names, and its quite common for us to sit around the dinner table talking about a plot idea. Even my kids like to get in on the action with ideas. Those little minds come up with the greatest ideas!
7) Please tell your readers how they can join your newsletter and get your free promotional items and enter your contests.
You can join my newsletter that I send out once a month by signing up here: Please be advised that you'll need to look for a confirmation email after you sign up.
Anyone wishing for free promo items that vary from month to month can send a SASE to: Donna Grant, PO Box 516, Orange, TX 77631
I do lots of contests all over the place, though the two that I do every month are on my website and blog. For my website contest that runs until the end of February, if you sign up for my newsletter, you can be entered to win four print books. To see which books I'm giving away this time, take a look on my contest page -
I also do a blog contest each week on Wednesdays on my Question of the Week. Each week I ask a different question. Readers have a week to answer, and I'll choose a winner from those that responded to win a free download from my backlist.
Lots of ways to win free books. :)
8) Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?
I love chatting with readers, so you can always chat with me on my blog ( as well as MySpace ( And reader emails are the greatest. I love reader emails. :)
Thank you so very much for chatting with me. I wish you much success with your career and I hope you'll join us again.
Thanks for having me, Ashley. I've enjoyed the interview. ::smooches:: Back at you, doll!

A vow made…
For centuries Frang has kept a secret – he’s immortal. ‘Tis a curse instead of a blessing though. His immortality was bestowed upon him to teach him a lesson, and instead of remaining youthful, the curse turned him into the image of an old man. He’s waited for the day he could return to a mortal man, but when that day arrives and he must leave his beloved Druid’s Glen, he suddenly finds he might not want to be mortal after all.
A secret kept…
Kenna holds a great secret, one that if discovered could have her burned at the stake. She’s not just a healer, she’s a Druid. ‘Tis a secret she has buried deep inside her. Until Frang. He offers freedom in the Druids, a promise too heady to ignore.
Northwestern Scotland
Fall 1625
For as long as he could remember, Frang had yearned to rid himself of the curse. How many years had passed as he stood in the peaceful magical stones of the Druid’s Glen?
Too many.
And it didn’t matter anymore. He had left his stones, though they weren’t really his. He had guarded the Druids as best he could with the help of the lairds of the MacInnes.
Frang ran a hand down his face and sighed loudly. So many people he watched die, many before their time. He had seen love lost and love found, foes vanquished and even seen the enemy invade a castle to kill innocent children.
Yet, it was all in the past now.
He looked down in to the waters of the lake at his reflection. He had gotten used to seeing the long white hair and beard. It seemed rather...odd...that he looked again as he had that fateful day over three hundred years before.
Frang sat back on his heels and looked over his shoulder. His need to return to the Glen was strong. With the prophecy finished he was no longer needed, but it didn’t matter. He could return now. No one would recognize him, but he knew it was just wishful thinking. His time at the Druid’s Glen was over. He needed to accept that.
A soft movement filled the air, the only thing that alerted him he was no longer alone. Slowly, Frang rose and turned to face his long time friend.
“Aimery,” he said with a welcoming smile.
The Fae commander returned the smile and held out his arm. After they clasped forearms, Aimery stepped back and looked him up and down. “It will take some time for me to get used to this appearance again.”
Frang laughed as he raked his hands through his hair and glanced over the impeccably dressed Fae. Aimery’s long flaxen hair was held away from his face by several rows of tiny intricate braids that would have looked feminine on anyone else but Aimery.
“The first thing I did was shave the beard.” Frang scratched his chin absently. “It has been on my face so long my skin doesn’t know what to do.”
“It won’t take long.” Aimery clapped him on the back and smiled as they sat on a fallen tree. “What are your plans?”
Frang shrugged and looked toward the still waters of the lake. “I don’t really know. The Druid’s were my life, even before the curse. What can I do now?”
“You get to start over,” Aimery said after a short silence. “Do anything you want, become anyone you want. Not many get that chance.”
“I like who I am,” Frang argued. “I am a Druid High Priest who knows more about the Fae and the Druids than any human on this realm.”
Aimery’s swirling blue eyes met his. The Fae’s gaze was intense, never wavering as he peered deep into Frang’s soul.
There was no doubt that Aimery was looking into his future. The longer he stared, the more worried Frang became. “What do you see?” Frang asked softly.
Aimery blinked and turned away. “I’m not in the habit of telling someone their future.”
“I’m not just someone,” Frang reminded him.
With a loud sigh Aimery turned his fair head until his gaze returned to Frang. “You don’t want to know your future, my friend. No one ever really does. Live this new life you’ve been granted and don’t look back.”
Frang swallowed and stood to pace the edge of the lake. “There are only two reasons you wouldn’t tell me my future. One possibility is that I’m going to die very soon. The second is that I’m going to have to make a very difficult choice that by telling me the future, you’ll influence me.”
He turned to look at the Fae commander only to find Aimery grinning. “I taught you well,” Aimery said with a nod. “You’ll do fine, Frang.”
And with that, Aimery was gone.
For several long moments Frang stared at the log and where Aimery had sat. Decade after decade he had given to the Druids and the Fae, giving his blood as well as his soul all because of one stupid, reckless night that had cursed him for three hundred years.
He looked down at the robes that had been his daily wear as the Druid High Priest. They would only serve to draw attention to him, something he wanted to avoid at all costs. With a sigh he turned toward the road that would take him to the nearest village where he could buy some new clothes.
“And new life,” he muttered as he slapped his hand on his leg in agitation of the unknown.
Then promptly noticed the clothes neatly folded on the log. Frang didn’t have to wonder if the clothes fit, he knew they would.
“Thank you, Aimery,” he said as he reached for the clothes.
With one final glance at his Druid robes, he pulled them over his head. After a quick wash in the loch, he returned to the log and reached for Aimery’s gift.
Frang had to admit he liked his new clothes. He looked down at the saffron shirt and bold blue and green plaid with red and orange accents, it was a plaid he knew well, very well. The tall boots were made of supple leather that fit his foot and legs to perfection, and the broach holding his plaid was made of silver and held the crest of the Fae, a dragon head with intricate knot work surrounding it.
There was only one thing left. The sword.
It had been three hundred years since he had last held a sword. He lifted the sword and held it in both hands and he looked over the weapon.
A more beautiful sword Frang had never seen. The pommel was fluted and fit his hand flawlessly. The cross guards and pommel were adorned with the same intricate and beautiful knots that decorated his brooch.
Slowly, he gripped the pommel and pulled the sword from its scabbard. The weight of the weapon was as near to perfect as it could get. Frang stared in awe at the blade where the Fae symbol had been added, and surrounding it was even more of the knot work he had come to love.
He lunged and swung the sword around him testing its weight as he tested himself. By the time he was satisfied with himself, sweat soaked his shirt and ran down his face.
Frang returned the sword to its sheath with a smile. After he folded his Druid robes and left them on the log, he picked up his sword and slung the strap over his head so the sword settled between his shoulder blades. With a sigh, he turned to face his future. No longer was he a Druid, but a warrior.
Surrender to the Passion
Highland Magic - 01/08
Prince of Love - 03/08
The Pleasure of His Bed- 09/08 from Kensington Aphrodisia
1 comment:
Oh I love Donna's books, The Shields series, The Highland books! I just saw about the new one out and hope to read it soon! I loved reading your interview and I hope to go to Scotland some day! I just love the settings in the books. I too have two cats, and they are much needed company during the day for me! Just so good to read your interview and looking forward to more of your books! So sorry I missed you on the day you were here!
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