Thursday, February 28, 2008

End of the World Movies and Stories

Real fast as I like to check in daily, but it's late and I feel guilty when I have an edit due and I'm here instead. I'm not sure what to blog about today. I've been very drained since becoming manager two weeks ago. I was always very busy. My coworkers were constantly asking me questions and for help before the promotion (probably why I was selected to get the promotion) which made me even busier, and yet, I seem to be even crazier than before. I can't hardly take a break (we usually take 15 minutes at 10 and again at 3) anymore. My walking buddies have given up on me. For instance, I began to take a break around 10 this morning and a call came in demanding to speak to the manager. Oy! So I handled it. Then, as soon as I got off the phone with her, I escaped to the ladies room but didn't take a whole break as it was getting late. When I got back to my desk only a couple minutes later, I had a message that that same woman had called back and was perturbed that I had stepped away. I can hardly go to the bathroom anymore! Our department gets this busy in November and December but this is the end of February! I'm sure things will settle down - my nerves included - and I won't be so completely drained. I was worse tonight. Not just drained, but jumpy and overwhelmed. But as one blog I read said, I need to list my blessings so quickly, here they are: my kids, my hubby, my pets, my home, my job, my friends, this great country (US), my dad, my cousin who I will see Saturday!!! I'm so excited - I've not seen her in a year, and many more. Hubby turned on "Independence Day" which is probably my favorite movie. I never tire of it and I watch it almost nightly. It helps me get to sleep. I know that seems strange - the world is on the brink of ending and I'm going to sleep. I love my "end-of-the-world-movies" as my kids call them. This one, "The Stand", "Night of the Comet", "The Mummy", "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Left Behind". It's not that I want the world to end. Heavens no! But these movies exemplify the human spirit and we kick ass and triumph against all odds. These particular movies have great characterization, too. And, some of them are quite fun - at least in spots. Maybe I'm strange. Who cares? I keep trying to write these stories. Maybe not as much as I want as my critique partner keeps trying to pull me back from my Stephen King mode as she calls it. Still, I blew up planet earth in one of my stories. And yes, it was a romance. She didn't manage to reign me in on that one. I can't recall if I let her critique that one. Maybe I didn't... That was "Eternal Damnation" published by It's a futuristic vampire romance. And yet, if you've read many of my stories, you know I also love comedy romance. But if you look at my list above, some of those combine comedy, romance, action/adventure, and horror - The Mummy, Raiders..., and hubby says Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, fits the bill (I like it, but it's not one of my favs) which would fit all these qualifications. One of these days I'll come up with something like this. Oh! Wait! I did do one short story like this. "Curse of Osiris" in the "Enchanted Holidays" book published by Cerridwen Press, but it's under my pseudonym of Elaine Hopper and with my friends Sher Hames-Torres, Kim Cox, Liz Delisi, Chris Grover, and Maureen McMahon. Of course, I'm so tired, I almost forget this. And Sher's the one that keeps trying to keep me from blowing up the world or something equally heinous - she failed this time. Oh well...


Unknown said...

It's tough at the top...that's why I never go there

I love The Mummy and Raiders as well.

Unknown said...

thanks for your nice comment on my blog! i really appreciate your support...losing a friend is always hard....:)

Unknown said...

thanks for your nice comment on my blog! i really appreciate your support...losing a friend is always hard....:)

Molly Daniels said...

I love Left Behind...are the rest of the movies out yet? I only have 3...I absolutely love the books, and want to get the prequels as well.

Brynn Paulin said...

Day After Tomorrow, Twister, Dante's Peak and Independence Day rank at the top of my favorite movies list.

I'm also a HUGE Mummy fan. Is it bad that I kinda like Imotep? He was so wronged. I can always see his potential as a redeemed hero. LOL.

Bronwyn Green said...

I hope things settle down at work. I'm with AJ...I avoid the top like the plague.

Anonymous said...

I love movies like that too. The human spirit winning against cosmic "badness" gets me everytime. Which is why I like Star Trek too. I know. I'm a nerd. Where do you work?

Unknown said...

All of the Left Behind books are out and only 3, maybe 4, of the movies. Unfortunately, I didn't think they did a good job on movies 2 and 3. Even though the books absorbed me, the movies didn't, except for the first.

Unknown said...

Brynn, those are all good movies, too. Day After Tomorrow in particular is one of my favorites and another one I watch a lot at night to help me get to sleep. Weird, I know.

Sandra Cox said...

Hang in there, Ash.

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