Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - Things I loved about the 70s

Thirteen Things about the 70s that I loved
1.... High school! - being on the flag corps, going to football games, dating. Loved it all! Also being co-editor of our high school newspaper and on the year book staff. 2.... The Disco! - In my senior year, I practically lived at the disco, dancing the night away. That was soooooo much fun. 3.... The Air Force! - I joined the Air Force in January 1979. I loved being in tech school in Biloxi, Mississippi and especially being on the Drum & Bugle Corps and twirling flags on their flag corps. I loved marching in parades throughout Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama, especially in Shrevesport and the New Orleans Mardis Gras parade. 4.... Saturday Night Fever. I loved the movie - and I loved the dances and the music. I thought John Travolta was sooooo hot. 5.... CB radios and the CB radio culture - That was so much. The "rubber duck", 10-4 good buddy, put the pedal to the medal... Rent and watch "Smokey & The Bandit" to either acquaint yourself or refresh your memory. 6.... David Cassidy - Gawd, but he was a doll. I loved him. 7.... Kings Island - It's a huge amusement park between Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio. I worked there two summers. I even met my hubby there. They have a replica of the Eiffel Tower, a Lion Country Safari, awesome roller coasters, etc. I wasn't too thrilled about the life size Hair Bair Bunch characters running around in the kiddie section, however. 8.... Star Wars!!! Star War mania was bigger then than the 1st trilogy. My boyfriend was in love with the music and I have to admit, I liked it a lot, too. I was in love with Hans Solo (Harrison Ford) 9.... roller skating. I either lived at the roller skating rink, the bowling alley, or on the Ohio River. 10... Grease. The original grease came out. Ditto above. John Travolta was HOT - more so in this than SNF 11... Saturday Night Live. The original cast. I liked it so much better then than now. With Chevy Chase, John Beluchi, and Dan Akroyd 12... Donny Osmond. I also was in love with Donny Osmond. (I think I still am.) 13... The Bee Gees. I loved their "Knights On Broadway" song first, but then also their Saturday Night Live album.
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Sandra Cox said...

You hit some great ones, Ash. Been to Kings Island many times.
Love Star Wars and Harrison Ford!
Hope to finish the interview this weekend. Sorry I've taken so long.

Unknown said...

That's so cool that you've been to King's Island. That's such a great place.

Vi said...

Ooooo... thanks for the trip down memory lane! I sooo forgot about CB's!!! Geez, I wonder if anyone still uses them?

Molly Daniels said...

I agree with all except the AF:) Loved King's Isle (until they took out most of my fav rides in favor of the coasters...I don't do up and down; I'm a spin around type of gal!); Loved Donny, John, Bee Gees, Bay City Rollars, Shaun Cassidy, and Luke Skywalker (until I ditched Luke for Han, ha ha!) Also loved ANY Burt Reynolds movie and my handle was 'Metal Mouth', due to the braces:)

Jan said...

Oh my goodness, we do have alot in common when it comes to the 70's! LOL!
I remember standing in line around a block to get into a theater to see Grease. I had posters of Donny Osmond and David Cassidy on my walls. I lived in IL and we used to go to Kings Island. And I was a disco queen. I even won a "Foxy Lady" contest! LMAO! Oh..I could go on!
This was a great Thursday 13!!


barbara huffert said...

No disco, Saturday Night Fever, or Star Wars for me but I still love Donny Osmond too. My parents promised to take me to see him and then backed out. I still tell my mom she owes me ever time he's on the news doing something new.

Shelley Munro said...

Wow, I remember when the Bee Gees were on the radio so much people started to boycott them. I see Donny and Marie and the rest of their family are doing a series of concerts soon.

Unknown said...

I remember when I was in the Air Force that some of my friends (the hubby included) were in the "Rock 'N Roll Forever/Down With Disco" club.

Yeah, the Bee Gees did play too much. Still, I can never get enough of Knights On Broadway, but that was before SNF, so before we got sick of them.

Unknown said...

I heard not too long ago that the truckers do still use CBs. I'm not sure if it's true.

Molly Daniels said...

I also wanted to live in the 'Eight is Enough' house!

Unknown said...

Seriously? You liked high school? I have always felt they were the most wasted years of my life.

Yes to David Cassidy - Han Solo and John Travolta...and one stage I was in love with Donny too...until he got married and then he went off my radar

Unknown said...

Some days I didn't like high school, but on the whole, yeah, I loved it. I loved being in the flag corps/band. I loved being on the newspaper staff. I loved hanging out with my high school friends after hours (and during).

Unknown said...

The oldest brother in Eight is Enough, David, was a doll, too.

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