Please welcome Jeff Rivera, author of "Forever My Lady" to my blog today. His book releases today thus in celebration, he wishes to offer the first few commentors the chance to win a free copy of the book, so be sure to leave a comment and/or question quickly and leave your email address so we can reach you if your one of the lucky ones. :)
Welcome Jeff.
Forever My Lady is your first novel, what is it about?
Forever My Lady is about a two young people's love and how that changes as time goes on. I was very fortunate to have received 5 stars from's #1 Reviewer, Harriet Klausner and even more meaningful to me is the emails I've been getting from people all over the world that feel like the story really spoke to them.
What is your favorite animal, real or mythical and why?
My very favorite animal in the whole world is a Koala. I've loved them since I was 7 years old and it's been my dream to go to Australia ever since then. They're so unique, only found naturally in one place in the world. They're cute, their cuddly but don't mess with them or they'll scratch your eyes out. Haha. I guess that's kind of like me or my main character from Forever My Lady. I'm a nice guy but don't cross my family or I'll defend them to death.
If you decided to no longer write, what would you do instead?
You know, I would probably teach in some way. I'm volunteering very soon teaching a writers workshop for young people. That's something I'm very excited about. I've been fortunate that Forever My Lady has opened a lot of doors for me in helping young people.
What are your best promotion tips for other writers? What works best for you?
Think outside of the box. Do what comes naturally to you by instinct, don't let other people tell you "the proper" way things should be done because there's something to be said for people who come at the world of promotion from a different perspective. I learned so much from when I first self-published, Forever My Lady to it being acquired by Warner/Grand Central.
How much time do you spend writing versus promoting?
I would have to say I'm just as passionate about promoting than I am about writing. So it's pretty 50/50 but sometimes I spend more time doing one over the other. When I first started promoting Forever My Lady I would spend hours on end doing it.
What is your guiltiest pleasure(s)?
Right now, my guiltiest pleasure is ... Watching New York Goes to Hollywood on VH1. I love that show and I cannot get enough. But second to that would be falling in love, I have lots of fantasies in my head and the only problem is that sometimes the fantasies are much more exciting than the real deal.
Here's a blurb about Jeff's great book:
It tells the award-winning passionate story of a juvenile delinquent named Dio who is sentenced to prison boot camp. Everyone who he has ever trusted has given up on him except one special girl that promises to stay by his side no matter what, the love of his life, Jennifer. He promises he will to turn his life around for her and she promises will never leave him. In fact, they plan to marry one day. But when Dio is released from boot camp he discovers Jennifer is about to marry someone else.
Readers get your copy of Forever My Lady at any bookstore, or my website:
Thank you so much, Jeff, for being my special guest. I wish you many happy sales and much success.
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Guest Blogger: Author Jeff Rivera
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Sounds good, Jeff! Welcome to the realm of Published Authors:) Congrats on your first release!
Wonderful about the great review, Jeff! Sounds like you actually LIKE promo. Right now I'm finding it to be kind of a pain. Still trying to figure out what works best. I blog like a wild woman these days and have cut back on the chats.
Good interview, Ashley. Jeff, well done. So what inspired you to write this one? What sparked the idea?
Ashley, I love you sig line at the bottom. May I borrow the idea?
Excellent interview, Jeff. The book sounds wonderful.
Jeff, thanks again for being my guest today. And I'll echo the others on their congrats about your great book and reviews. Good luck with it.
Kelly, yes, you may borrow my sig line idea. I forget what sight I made it at but it was free and you can probably google for it.
I'll pop in again tonight. Have to run to the daughter's softball game and freeze off my tushie probably.
Congratulations, Jeff. Wishing you many sales.
Great blog, Ash.
Jeff and everybody, thanks again for joining me today.
Jeff, you've been a great guest. Good luck on your book. It sounds awesome.
First book and a romance - I am glad to see men out there writing
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