Monday, November 02, 2009

NaNoWriMo Thoughts

Yesterday afternoon I attended my local Nanowrimo kick off party which was held at Nova University in Davie, Florida.

I expected most of the participants to be much younger than me, but most looked to be my age. There were only a few younger people.

I was also in awe of Nova. It's my alma mater. I graduated with my MBA in 1990. Back then there were only two brick and mortar buildings and several portables. Now, it's grown up into many buildings and it looks like a real college campus. It's beautiful, too. To think, I was a pioneer. If not for nano today, who knows when I would have visited? My daughter and I got library cards for Nova's library today so we'll be going back often. How can I resist a library open till 11:30 pm on Sunday?

I was also surprised that no published fiction writers attended except myself. At least no one identified themself as such. I was too shy to identify myself. I it mainly unpublished writers who do nanowrimo? Online I've seen several published writers who say they're going to join in.

After a presentation by a creative writing instructor with basic writing tips there was a social with refreshments. Again, I was too shy to say anything to anybody. I don't know why I froze. Hopefully it'll be easier to talk to people at the write-ins which start next Sunday.

So far I've written a little more than 1,200 words today. The minimum per day should be about 1,670 to finish by November 30th with 50,000 words. I'm off to finish my minimum count and hopefully more. This is going to be a crazy week with softball and lots of doctors appointments. I'll be making up lost word count on weekends.

Please stop by Total-E-Bound today. I'm the spotlighted author for November. There's a brand new interview and new photos.

Also new at Total-E-Bound today is my book "Caught in the Middle" released in print. What great birthday presents for me. November is my month.

Recent posts you might like to read:

Why Writers Should Be Like Zombies

Ghost Hunting at a Haunted Hotel

Welcome to the Spookiest Month of the Year (+ don't burn your Ouija Board!)

People Don't Fall Out of Trees - Without Reason 

I'm Part of a Tribe 

Big Brother Is Watching You - This Means You BLOGGERS!

Are You Writing Me Into Your Book?

Dont Give Up Too Early

Must Write Must Write Must Write!!!

You'll also want to see what Amarinda Jones, Anika Hamilton, Anny Cook, Barbara Huffert, Brynn Paulin, Bronwyn Green, Dakota Rebel, Kelly Kirch, Molly Daniels, Sandra Cox, Regina Carlysle, and Cindy Spencer Pape are up to, so make sure to visit them also. :)


Unknown said...

I'm doing Nano, along with a well known author.

Congrats on the print release today. I'll drop by to check out your interview.

November is my birthday month too, so Happy Birthday! :)

Linda Kage said...

Good Luck. Get to writing!!

Anonymous said...

November is my birthday month too :).

And much to my surprise so far I've managed to write the minimum for nano (I know it's early days but still...). Happy writing!

Molly Daniels said...

Great interview over there:)

Good luck this month; you're already ahead of me!

Unknown said...

Yeah! Lots of November babies and lots of nano'ers. We rock!

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