I'm happy to introduce my guest blogger for today, my friend and talented prolific romance author, Sally Painter.
Please read her interview, the blurb about her just released book, DIVIDED LOVE, and be sure to ask questions and leave comments. Let's give a big welcome to Sally!
1) I see you have a book coming out with Pocket books soon. Please tell us how this came about? Do you have future books contracted with Pocket?
I was shocked when my quickie, To Kiss a Gargoyle, was selected for one of the Pocket/EC anthologies this year.
2) You’re into the Wiccan religion. Have you always been? Can you tell us about it? Is it anything like the movie “Practical Magic”?
I'm not Wiccan. Now, I've read about it and know quite a few people who are. I really enjoy discussing various belief systems with other people and learning all I can about them. Frankly, I have my own belief system that is probably not like any other on this planet.
3) Tell us what you do on the paranormal writers and readers loop you administer? Are you going to have any special workshops in the near future?
I turned over my two paranormal lists to my good friend, Melissa Alvarez, last year due to my publishing/writing schedule. She is doing a lot of fun workshops and holding great discussions on them. I'm very happy with the direction she's taken the lists.
4) Are you planning to attend RT, Epic, or any other conventions this year? If so, do you have any special promotions or workshops planned?
My plans are up in the air right now. I hope to attend RT.
5) What is your daily life like? What is your routine?
I'm a go with the flow kind of person. We have a home business, I typically do what I need to do for it during the morning. I mostly write in the afternoon, take a few hours break to be with family, then back again around 10 pm. I'm a vampire and enjoy late night writing time. I have no qualms about dropping everything to go on an adventure with my family or just my husband. That's the whole point of being self-employed. (g) .
6) Please tell us what your part of the world is like.
It's very lovely where we live. Our house has an upstairs and downstairs porch and a backyard patio, so we have many places to lounge and star gaze. And to keep us on our toes, there are a few visiting spirits.
We have two cats. Bow and Sophie. Bow is my husband's companion and has been with us for nine years. Sophie, who's only been with us for a few months is my new best bud. She was abused and run over by her previous owner. She suffered a broken leg, hip and pelvis and they did nothing to help her. I just can't understand anyone mistreating an animal. I have no idea how she survived on her own. I love her spirit! We rescued her in November so now we have his and her cats. They sit with us in our offices and keep us entertained all the time with their playful antics. I believe Bow has a crush on Sophie.
7) Tell us about the Hussies.
We are a group of EC authors who got together to write a series, The Hussies. There are five of us, Ciana Stone, Sahara Kelly, Nicole Austin, Nathalie Gray, and myself. You can visit us at http://thehussies.us. We have a fun yahoo list and a blog (http://thehussiesblog.blogspot.com ) We also have a monthly radio broadcast at http://blogtalkradio.com/thehussies .
Thank you so much for having me as a guest. It's been a lot of fun.

Divided Love, Queen of Cups, Torrid Tarot
Sally Painter
released by Ellora's Cave Friday January 25, 2008
When Reci Waters, Queen of Cups, an underwater kingdom, suddenly abdicates to live on land, no one, not even the two people closest to her, know the real reason—to save her kingdom from a deadly enemy. Now, a year later, she plans to reclaim her throne, only she’s been out of the water too long and falls victim to a royal curse.
When the curse hits and Reci divides into two people, she’s forced to face emotions she’s long suppressed—most importantly her feelings for her handsome Captain of the Royal Guard, Arthur Finn. But when her hot-blooded twin decides it’s time to explore those sexual longings, things don’t just grow steamy, they’re scorching hot.
Arthur has loved Reci for years, but royal protocol forced his longings to smolder just below the surface…until Reci divided in two. Now he’s finding her irresistible—both of her. There’s only one problem—Reci will die if he doesn’t get her back to Cups, and her twin has run off, refusing to return to her underwater home.
Great interview, Sally!
Sally's the best, isn't she Melissa? She's so easy to talk to and a lot of fun. Thanks for stopping by to support her.
Ooh, Sally! Gorgeous cover. And I love the Hussies - just popped over to say hello. Isn't it great to take over a stereotype and run with it?
Wishing you lots of success in your writing!
Great interview ladies!
Thank you Lisabet!Aren't we hussies have fun breaking that mold? Thank you for stopping in!
Thank you, Ashley. (blushing)
Thanks for stopping in, Sandra! Waving~~~~~~~~~
Thank you, Melissa! Thanks for stopping by.
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