Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thursday Thirteen: Edition 19 - Top 13 signs you're a lousy cook
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hey ashley! thanks for all those nice words you left in my blog :) and if i do go to aus i'll definately put up the pics for you!
n ya hope you get a good review too... i loved your blog btw..very funny and something i can realate to! for example, try new restaurants but not ordering anything new? that's so me!
good job! will keep dropping in :)
But for number 6 you are the complete opposite of me
I am such a lousy cook lol! :) Happy TT and thanks so much for stopping by!
Yay! I'm not the only one who likes limp fries:)
Love the one about getting even with the neighborhood bully!
I like my french fries uber crispy and steal them from my kids. ;) When they have that crispy outside and almost no french fry insides, that's when I'm nuts for them. Otherwise, I don't eat fries.
I can relate to this list!
My husband actually taught my then toddler that it was time for grilled cheese sandwiches when the smoke alarm went off. Now, if I happen to make them with out the wail of the smoke detector, my son asks me if I'm sure they're really done. Dorks.
Those are too funny! LOL!
My TT is at
Love #11. I don't have a dog, but my cat has been known to try to bury my cooking as though he found it in his litter box! (Thanks for visiting my TT)
I'm a really bad cook too. My poor husband never says a word. He just eats it up. LOL!! Funny TT. I loved it. Happy TT and thanks for stopping by mine.
LOL how about: When you catch the dishtowel you're using for a 'oven mit' on fire in the kitchenetre of your honeymoon room. true story.
thanx for visiting my Joy Sayings list
Bron - really? That so sounds like something men would do and say. So far, my fire detectors haven't gone off.
People at the day job have started fires in the toaster ovens a few times and set off the fire alarms. Or they've set them off by walking away when popping pop corn. Boy does it stink up the building.
I love this list... I have friends it will fit :-) I have one friend who was making white sauce and didn't think it was getting thick fast enough so she dumped in more flour. The dog wouldn't eat it.... ran away instead.
Well I never!... SOGGY french fries!!
Wow! Never heard anybody liking those before!
& I start my day with warm water. It tends to keep you slim!
& I never list anything, even if I have to buy a hundred things from the supermarket, I never make a list, leave alone listing anything else!
It is really interesting to read quirks about people :D
LMAO! I love the lousy cook list! :D :D
I have heard, Mona, that it's better to drink warm drinks - luke warm I think - than cold drinks and that it enhances weight loss. I like my water luke warm, but not my soda, especially not diet soda. Of course, it'd be better if I gave up soda altogether, but after too much water, I start getting stomach aches. Weird, I know.
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